Big Thank You Day 2021

Why it is important to say a Big Thank You to our staff
Every year MacIntyre Academies celebrates Big Thank You Day! Inspired by Thank A Teacher initiatives, we thought it was a brilliant idea to make it an annual celebration in our Trust. It is not just the teachers that we thank – we make a point to appreciate our entire workforce because every person has a part to play in making a difference to the children and young people we support.
We can’t say that compassion is a core value of our organisation without paying attention to how our workforce experiences that too. The reality can be tough sometimes and there is a risk of compassion fatigue so we make sure that we’re listening to colleagues, thinking about their wellbeing and valuing them as individuals.
So today we’ll be putting out the banners, sending cards, eating ice creams and shouting loudly about our amazing workforce and saying a REALLY BIG THANK YOU!